Valentina Musiu and VALEgnameria, art and craftsmanship in a dynamic and colorful mix
Today, the Internet is indisputable, despite difficulties and costs for businesses, it offers powerful tools to promote and sell made in Italy in the world, allowing the survival of many companies even in such difficult moments like those we are experiencing due to the pandemic in progress.
But although practically everything can now be done online, there are still two very relevant aspects that deeply mark the difference between traditional and digital purchases: the impossibility of touching the objects and the great difficulty in recreating that human and direct relationship between customer and craftsman that is normally created in the shop.

And this is how we want to tell you about Valentina Musiu, winner of the MarteLive 2020 crafts section, hoping to help you get to know the person and her great passion for wood, even before the shapes, colors and dimensions, of her very particular creations.
If we had to describe her in a few words, without thinking too much about it, we would certainly say that Valentina is a concentrate of energy, stubbornness, creativity and talent, and it is not difficult to notice it from a simple interview. Courses, internships, jobs, cities, Valentina has shot so many and always to follow a single main goal, to make her passions her job.

Born in the 80s in Sardinia, in Olia Speciosa, a hamlet of Castiadas in the province of Cagliari, she obtained a technical-commercial diploma and, having finished her studies, she left the island for the “continent”, determined to pursue her artistic ambitions.
From here begins a long pilgrimage between Turin, Venice and Belfast that leads her to learn and experience the art of comics and restoration, construction, painting and wood. Studies and experiences that lead her to work as a building restorer, until, for quite extreme reasons, the 2012 earthquake, she decides to reinvent herself and start again from that material she loves and knows so much.

In 2015 he then settled in Bologna, where she decided to perfect her skills, going “to the workshop” in a carpentry shop and undertaking, for the same, didactic and training activities. It was a concrete and beautiful experience that offers Valentina the latest ideas and useful tools to define her business project that comes to life in that year, starting from the recovery of waste from the same carpentry in which she works.
The project takes shape quickly and in May 2016 Valentina decides to return home, Sardinia, to transform the old country house, which belonged to her grandparents, into the headquarters of her artistic laboratory, an informal environment open to anyone who wants to know her work. There everything is recycled: from the furnishings to the wood used for her works. Thus was born the VALEgnameria with creations ranging from Sardinian art to characters of literature, cinema and music, including with great success also some very particular portraits made on commission at the limit between caricature and comics.

The idea is to give thickness to the images through small portions of wood, with different thicknesses that create angular and geometric shapes structured in levels, plays of light that modify their appearance according to the point of view of the observer.
The initial image, enriched with new shadows and perspectives, therefore seems to emerge from the wood and overlook the world, approaching the client. The final result, sometimes surreal and not very ordinary, is a three-dimensional product, adaptable to both objects and furnishing accessories.

But by now you too have understood it, no one stops Valentina, a volcano of creativity and always in search of identity and experimentation. In fact, in 2017, she decides to move to Rome, where she shares a workshop with other artisans, working in the capital in the colder months and taking care of the workshop in Sardinia, in the warmer and more touristic ones.
This is how new creative projects are born, including Gentixedda, the lucky line of objects signed Valegnamerìa consisting of Omini and Donnine stylized with a linear and geometric line and dressed in traditional Sardinian clothes that interact with each other, giving life to an original microcosm of wood and color. To accompany the characters of Gentixedda, as well as the other Sardinian-inspired objects reproduced on wood, there are also t-shirts, bags, postcards and stickers with phrases typical of popular memory or tales of ancient stories now forgotten.

Today the VALEgnamerìa Project is a reality in continuous evolution, dynamic and open to new experiments while maintaining, at the same time, strong attention to the essentiality of shapes and colors, with a trait that has now become well recognizable and appreciated.

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