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Olevio: The elegance of olive wood combining tradition and innovation
byTeam 02/24/2025
Discover Olevio, the authentic Italian artisanal brand turning olive wood into unique watches, bags, and jewelry. Experience a perfect blend of Salento tradition, innovative design, and sustainability by Francesco...
Ludovica Cirillo with byLUDO winner in the “Crafts” section at the Martelive 2024 Biennial
byTeam 02/01/2025
Interview with Federica Rezzi G, winner of the Lazio MarteLive 2021 final, crafts section
byArmando Salerno-Mele 03/24/2022
Creazioni Satodà – Sardinian craftsmanship in the name of the traditions
byCristina Salonna 11/03/2020